forgi 2.0.0 documentation

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Forgi API documentation

This is the documentation of the forgi package, generated from the docstrings.


Some private submodules contain docstrings in a different format than the rest of the code base. They have been left out of this documentation. Please see the source code for their documentation.

To get to know forgi, you might want to start with reading the documentation of forgi.graph.bulge_graph and forgi.threedee.models.coarse_grain.

To create an RNA object, the preferred method is the function forgi.load_rna instead of using the constructors in the RNA classes directly. With standard parameters, this function returns a list of forgi.threedee.model.coarse_grain.CoarsegrainRNA objects.


Module contents

forgi - an RNA structure library

Forgi is a python library for analysing and manipulating RNA secondary and tertiary structures based on secondary structure elements.

The libraries core object, which is returned by the load_rna function, is the forgi.graph.bulge_graph.BulgeGraph object (2D structure) and its subclass the forgi.threedee.model.coarse_grain.CoarseGrainRNA object.


If you use forgi for a scientific publication, please cite this library as specified in the CREDITS section.


Return the path to a data file of ours.

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