forgi 2.0.0 documentation

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forgi.utilities.numbered_dotbracket module

class forgi.utilities.numbered_dotbracket.NumberedDotbracket(dotbracket_str='', residue_numbers=None, helix_ends=None)[source]
  • dotbracket_str – A string
  • numbers (residue) – A list of integers or forgi RESIDS. Same length as dotbracket_str
  • helix_ends
    If a basepair represents a helix or
    stem with missing residues, The helix end give the last/ first missing(condensed) residue number which is represented by this basepair. I.e. the basepair of the helix that is at the 3’ end of the forward strand. It is a list with the same length as residue_numers.
    • Example 1. Every nucleotide only represents itself::
      dotbracket_str (((..))) residue numbers 12345678 helix_ends 12345678
    • Example 2. The same helix as Ex. 1, now condensed.
      The helix 1-3,6-8 is represented by the basepair 1-8:: dotbracket_str (..) residue numbers 1458 helix_ends 3456 Here the nucleotide 1 represents one strand of the helix, going from 1 to 3. The nucleotide 8 represents the other strand, going from 6 to 8.

    The value for helix ends for unpaired nucleotides is undefined and should ignored.


Return input with consecutive basepairs remove_unpaired

  • dotbracket – A dotbracket string
  • residue_numbers – A list of residue numbers, with same length as dotbracket

Check the stems if the correspond to the minimum length given by the Users

Parameters:min_length – minimum stem length

Return number of occurrences of pattern and a NumberedDotbracket all occurrences removed.

Occurrences of the pattern are removed recursicvely. E.g.: The pattern “ab” will be removed from “aabb” two times. E.g.: two occurrences of “([)]” will be removed from “(([)][)]”


Return NumberedDotbracket with dots removed

  • dotbracket – A dotbracket string
  • residue_numbers – A list of residue numbers, with same length as dotbracket

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