lib Directory Reference


file  common.h [code]
 This file holds all global includes, definitions and variables.
file  decompose.h [code]
 This file holds the functions to decompose the dependency graph into its subgraphs.
file  dependency_graph.h [code]
 This file holds the class definitions for the internal representation of the DependencyGraph.
file  graphcommon.h [code]
 This file holds all important information for the dependency graph, its definition and often used functions.
file  pairing_matrix.h [code]
 This file holds the class definitions for the PairingMatrix.
file  parsestruct.h [code]
 This file holds the functions to parse a dot-bracket representation to a boost graph and set the sequence constraints.
file  pathcoloring.h [code]
 This file holds the functions to sample a sequence for a certain path.
file  printgraph.h [code]
 This file holds the functions to print out a graph in xml representation.
file  probability_matrix.h [code]
 This file holds the class definitions for the Probability Matrix.
file  RNAblueprint.h [code]
 This file holds the external representation of the DependencyGraph, the main construct for designing RNA molecules.