forgi 2.0.0 documentation


Source code for forgi.utilities.commandline_utils

from __future__ import print_function

import sys
import argparse
import logging
import os.path
import contextlib
import warnings
import textwrap

import numpy as np

from .exceptions import GraphConstructionError
from logging_exceptions import log_to_exception
import logging_exceptions

import forgi.graph.bulge_graph as fgb
import forgi.threedee.model.coarse_grain as ftmc

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class WrongFileFormat(ValueError): """ Error raised if the input file has the wrong file format or the file format could not be detected. """
[docs]def get_rna_input_parser(helptext, nargs=1, rna_type="any", enable_logging=True, parser_kwargs={}): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=helptext, **parser_kwargs) if nargs == 1: helptext = "One file containing an RNA.\n" elif isinstance(nargs, int) and nargs > 1: helptext = "{:d} files containing one RNA each.\n".format(nargs) elif nargs == "+": helptext = "One or more files containing one or more RNAs each.\n" else: raise ValueError( "get_parser_any_cgsg does not support nargs={}".format(nargs)) if rna_type != "only_cg": fileformats = ["pdb files"] else: fileformats = [] if rna_type != "pdb": fileformats.append("forgi cg files") if rna_type != "3d" and rna_type != "only_cg": fileformats.append("forgi bg files") fileformats.append("fasta files") if rna_type == "any": fileformats.append("dotbracketfiles") n = len(fileformats) helptext += "\n".join(textwrap.wrap( "Supported Filetypes are: {}".format(", ".join(fileformats)), 55)) if rna_type == "any": helptext += ("Alternatively you can supply a dotbracket-string\n " "(containing only the characters '.()[]{}&') from the commandline.\n") parser.add_argument("rna", nargs=nargs, type=str, help=helptext) parser.add_argument("--keep-length-one-stems", action="store_true", help="For all input formats except forgi bg/cg files,\n" "this controlls whether stems of length one are \n" "dissolved to unpaired regions (default) \n" "or kept (if this option is present).\n" "In the case of input in forgi-format,\n" "the RNA from the file is not modified.") if rna_type != "only_cg": pdb_input_group = parser.add_argument_group("Options for loading of PDB files", description="These options only take effect, " "if the input RNA is in pdb file format.") pdb_input_group.add_argument("--pseudoknots", action="store_true", help="Allow pseudoknots when extracting the structure\nfrom PDB files.") pdb_input_group.add_argument("--chains", type=str, help="When reading pdb-files: Only extract the given chain(s). Comma-seperated") pdb_input_group.add_argument("--pdb-secondary-structure", type=str, default="", help="When reading a single chain from a pdb-files: \nEnforce the secondary structure given as dotbracket\n string. (This only works, if --chain is given!)") pdb_input_group.add_argument("--pdb-annotation-tool", type=str, default=None, help="What program to use for detecting basepairs in PDB/ MMCIF structures." " This commandline option overrides the value in the config file (if present)." "If this is not present and no config-file is given, we try to detect the installed programs.") pdb_input_group.add_argument("--pdb-allow-www-query", action="store_true", help="Usually, if modified residues/ ligand with an unknown 3-letter code are encountered in PDB files, " "they are removed from the chain and a log message of severity INFO is issued. " "With this option, we first try to query the PDBeChem database for the 3-letter code, to " "see whether or not it is a modified residue that can be converted to its standard parent " " and should be part of the chain.") if enable_logging: verbosity_group = parser.add_argument_group( "Control verbosity of logging output") logging_exceptions.update_parser(verbosity_group) return parser
[docs]def cgs_from_args(args, rna_type="any", enable_logging=True, return_filenames=False, skip_errors=False): """ Given an Namespace from argparse, return a list of CoarseGrainRNA objects (or BulgeGraph objects). :param args: A argparse Namespace. :param rna_type: See documentation of load_rna :param enable_logging: In addition to loading the CoarseGrainRNA objects, call logging.basicConfig() and use args.verbose and args.debug to set the level for different loggers. :param return_filenames: Instead of returning a list of rnas, return a tuple `rnas, filenames`, where filenames is a list of filenames of equal length as the returned list of CoarseGrainRNA objects and with corresponding order. If a file contains two seperate RNA molecules, the filename will thus be found twice in the list of filenames. :param skip_errors: Boolean. Log GraphConstructionErrors and continue with the next filename instead of letting the error propagate. Usage:: parser = get_rna_input_parser() args = parser.parse_args() rnas = cgs_from_args(args) """ if enable_logging: logging.basicConfig( format="%(levelname)s:%(name)s.%(funcName)s[%(lineno)d]: %(message)s") logging_exceptions.config_from_args(args) cg_rnas = [] filenames = [] for rna in args.rna: log.debug("Load RNA %s", rna) if rna_type == "only_cg": args.chains = None args.pseudoknots = None args.pdb_secondary_structure = None args.pdb_annotation_tool = None args.pdb_allow_www_query = False if args.chains: load_chains = args.chains.split(",") else: load_chains = None try: cg_or_cgs = load_rna(rna, rna_type=rna_type, allow_many=True, pdb_chain=load_chains, pdb_remove_pk=not args.pseudoknots, pdb_dotbracket=args.pdb_secondary_structure, dissolve_length_one_stems=not args.keep_length_one_stems, pdb_annotation_tool=args.pdb_annotation_tool, pdb_allow_www_query=args.pdb_allow_www_query) except GraphConstructionError: if not skip_errors: log.error("An error occurred while loading the file %s", rna) raise else: log.exception("The PDB %s was skipped due to the following error", rna) else: cg_rnas.extend(cg_or_cgs) filenames.extend([rna] * len(cg_or_cgs)) if return_filenames: return cg_rnas, filenames else: return cg_rnas
[docs]def sniff_filetype(file): line = next(file) # PDB if line.startswith("ATOM") or line.startswith("HEADER") or line.startswith("HETATM") or line.startswith("REMARK"): return "pdb" line = line.strip() # We allow comments and empty lines in all files except PDB files. while not line or line.startswith("#"): line = next(file).strip() if line.startswith("name"): return "forgi" elif line.startswith("_") or line == "loop_": return "cif" elif line.startswith(">"): return "fasta" elif line[0].isdigit(): return "bpseq" else: # Is it a bp-seq or mmcif file with header? try: while True: line = next(file).strip() if line.startswith("#"): continue if line.startswith("_"): return "cif" if line[0].isdigit(): try: d1, nt, d2 = line.split() if d1.isdigit() and nt in "AUGCTIaugcti" and d2.isdigit(): return "bpseq" except (TypeError, ValueError): pass break except StopIteration: pass return "other"
[docs]def load_rna(filename, rna_type="any", allow_many=True, pdb_chain=None, pdb_remove_pk=True, pdb_dotbracket="", dissolve_length_one_stems=True, pdb_annotation_tool=None, pdb_allow_www_query=False): """ :param rna_type: One of "any", and "3d" and "pdb" * "any": Return either BulgeGraph or CoarseGrainRNA object, depending on the input format * "only_cg": Only accept cg-files. * "3d": Return CoarseGrainRNA objects, if the file contains 3D information, raise an error otherwise * "pdb": only accept pdb files :param allow_many: If True, return a list. If False, return a single CoarseGrainRNA object or raise a WrongFileFormat, if more than one RNA is present. :param pdb_chain: Extract the given chain from the file. Only applicable if filename corresponds to a pdb file :param pdb_remove_pk: Detect pseudoknot-free structures from the pdb. :param pdb_dotbracket: Only applicable, if filename corresponds to a pdb file and pdb_chain is given. :param dissolve_length_one_stems: Ignored if input is in forgi bg/cg format. :param pdb_annotation_tool: Use DSSR, MC-Annotate or forgi heuristic for basepair-detection in PDB/MMCIF files (None for auto-detect). Ignored for other file-types. :retuns: A list of RNAs or a single RNA """ # Is filename a dotbracket string and not a filename? if all(c in ".()[]{}&" for c in filename): # A dotbracket-string was provided via the commandline if not rna_type == "any": warnings.warn("Cannot treat '{}' as dotbracket string, since we need a sequence. " "Trying to treat it as a filename instead...".format(filename)) else: "Assuming RNA %s is a dotbracketstring and not a file.", filename) bg = fgb.BulgeGraph.from_dotbracket( filename, dissolve_length_one_stems=dissolve_length_one_stems) if allow_many: return [bg] else: return bg with open(filename) as rnafile: filetype = sniff_filetype(rnafile) if rna_type == "pdb" and filetype not in ["pdb", "cif"]: raise WrongFileFormat( "Only PDB files (*.pdb/.cif) are accepted, but file {} has type {}.".format(filename, filetype)) if rna_type == "only_cg" and filetype != "forgi": raise WrongFileFormat( "Only forgi cg files are accepted, but file {} has type {}.".format(filename, filetype)) if filetype == "forgi": cg = ftmc.CoarseGrainRNA.from_bg_file(filename) if rna_type in ["3d", "only_cg"] and not cg.coords.is_filled: # pylint: disable=E1101 raise WrongFileFormat( "File {} does not contain all 3D coordinates!".format(filename)) if allow_many: return [cg] else: return cg elif filetype == "pdb" or filetype == "cif": if pdb_chain: cgs = ftmc.CoarseGrainRNA.from_pdb(filename, load_chains=pdb_chain, remove_pseudoknots=pdb_remove_pk and not pdb_dotbracket, secondary_structure=pdb_dotbracket, dissolve_length_one_stems=dissolve_length_one_stems, filetype=filetype, annotation_tool=pdb_annotation_tool, query_PDBeChem=pdb_allow_www_query) else: if pdb_dotbracket: raise ValueError( "pdb_dotbracket requires a chain to be given to avoid ambiguity.") cgs = ftmc.CoarseGrainRNA.from_pdb(filename, remove_pseudoknots=pdb_remove_pk, dissolve_length_one_stems=dissolve_length_one_stems, filetype=filetype, annotation_tool=pdb_annotation_tool, query_PDBeChem=pdb_allow_www_query) if allow_many: return cgs else: if len(cgs) > 1: raise WrongFileFormat("More than one connected RNA component in pdb file {}: {}".format( filename, [ for cg in cgs])) return cgs[0] # elif filetype=="mmcif": # raise WrongFileFormat("MMCIF files are not yet supported.") elif filetype == "bpseq": if rna_type == "3d": raise WrongFileFormat( "bpseq file {} is not supported. We need 3D coordinates!".format(filename)) with open(filename, 'r') as f: text = try: int(text[0]) except ValueError: i = text.find("\n1 ") text = text[i + 1:] bg = ftmc.CoarseGrainRNA.from_bpseq_str( text, dissolve_length_one_stems=dissolve_length_one_stems) if allow_many: return [bg] else: return bg elif filetype == "fasta" or filetype == "other": if rna_type == "3d": raise WrongFileFormat( "Fasta(like) file {} is not supported. We need 3D coordinates!".format(filename)) try: bgs = ftmc.CoarseGrainRNA.from_fasta( filename, dissolve_length_one_stems=dissolve_length_one_stems) except Exception as e: with log_to_exception(log, e): log.critical("Could not parse file %r.", filename) if filetype == "other": log.critical( "We assumed file %r to be some fasta-variant or dotbracket file, but an error occurred during parsing.", filename) raise if allow_many: return bgs else: if len(bgs) > 1: raise WrongFileFormat( "More than one RNA found in fasta/ dotbracket file {}.".format(filename)) return bgs[0]
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def open_for_out(filename=None, force=False): "From" if filename and filename != '-': if not force and os.path.isfile(filename): raise IOError( "Cannot create file {}. File exists.".format(filename)) fh = open(filename, 'w') else: fh = sys.stdout try: yield fh finally: if fh is not sys.stdout: fh.close()
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def hide_traceback(error_class=WrongFileFormat): """ A context manager that catches errors of the specified class and outputs only the error message before calling sys.exit(1). """ try: yield except error_class as e: # Integration with logging_exceptions if hasattr(e, "log"): for record in e.log: logging.getLogger( print("Error of type {} occurred. Aborting.".format(type(e).__name__)) print(e, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1)
