forgi 2.0.0 documentation


Source code for forgi.threedee.visual.pymol


from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from builtins import str
from builtins import range
from builtins import object

import sys

import itertools as it
import math as m
import numpy as np
import uuid
import collections as col
import warnings
import logging

import forgi.threedee.utilities.pdb as ftup
import forgi.threedee.utilities.graph_pdb as ftug
#import forgi.threedee.utilities.average_stem_vres_atom_positions as cua
import forgi.utilities.debug as fud
import forgi.threedee.utilities.vector as cuv
import forgi.threedee.utilities.vector as ftuv

import Bio.PDB.Model as bpm
import Bio.PDB.Structure as bps
import Bio.PDB as bp

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    'green':       [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
    'forest':      [0.2, 0.6, 0.2],
    'blue':        [0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
    'red':         [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
    'orange':      [1., 165 / 255., 0.],
    'yellow':      [1.0, 1.0, 0.0],
    'purple':      [1.0, 0.0, 1.0],
    'white':       [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
    'cyan':        [0.0, 1.0, 1.0],
    'magenta':     [249 / 255., 132 / 255., 229 / 255.],
    'light gray':  [.8, .8, .8],
    'dark gray':   [.1, .1, .1],
    'middle gray': [.6, .6, .6],
    'gray':        [.6, .6, .6],
    'black':       [0., 0., 0.]

[docs]def pymol_color(color, modifier): def get_color_vec(color): if color in NAMED_COLORS: return NAMED_COLORS[color] else: return [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] if not isinstance(color, (list, tuple)): color = [str(c * modifier) for c in get_color_vec(color)] else: color = [str(c) for c in color[:3]] return color
[docs]class PyMolRNA(object): def __init__(self, name, color_modifier=1.0): = name.replace("-", "_").replace(".", "_") self.segments = [] self.boxes = [] self.labels = [] self.spheres = [] self.cones = [] self.color_modifier = color_modifier
[docs] def add_sphere(self, p, color='green', width=0.2, text=""): self.spheres += [(np.array(p), color, width, text)]
[docs] def add_segment(self, p, n, color='green', width=0.2, text="", key=''): """ :param p: start coordinates :param n: end-coordinates :param color: A color. Either a 3-element list with values from 0 to 1 for R, G and B, or a color name (as defined in this modules variable NAMED_COLORS) """ self.segments += [(np.array(p), np.array(n), color, width, text, key)]
[docs] def add_dashed(self, point1, point2, width=0.1, color="purple"): ''' Add a dashed line from point1 to point2. ''' dash_length = width / 2 gap_length = dash_length * 2 direction = ftuv.normalize(point2 - point1) num_dashes = ftuv.magnitude( point2 - point1) / (dash_length + gap_length) key = None for i in range(int(num_dashes)): self.add_segment(point1 + i * (dash_length + gap_length) * direction, point1 + (i * (dash_length + gap_length) + dash_length) * direction, color, width, "", key=key)
[docs] def add_cone(self, p, n, color='white', width=2.4, text=''): cone_extension = 2. cyl_vec = cuv.normalize(n - p) cyl_len = cuv.magnitude(n - p) new_width = width * (cyl_len + cone_extension) / cyl_len self.cones += [(np.array(p) - cone_extension * cyl_vec, np.array(n), color, width, text)] self.cones += [(np.array(n) + cone_extension * cyl_vec, np.array(p), color, width, text)]
[docs] def pymol_segments_string(self): color = 'green' width = 0.2 s = '' for seg in self.segments: (p, n, color, width, text, key) = seg color = pymol_color(color, self.color_modifier) s += " CYLINDER, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, " % (p[0], p[1], p[2], n[0], n[1], n[2]) s += "%f, %s, %s," % (width, ", ".join(color), ", ".join(color)) + '\n' s += "\n# {}\n".format(key) return s
[docs] def pymol_spheres_string(self): s = '' for (p, color, width, text) in self.spheres: color = pymol_color(color, self.color_modifier) if np.ndim(p) > 0: s += "COLOR, %s," % (", ".join([str(c) for c in color])) s += '\n' s += "SPHERE, %s, %f," % (", ".join([str(pi) for pi in p]), width) s += '\n' else: warnings.warn( "p is not iterable! It is {} (for '{}'). IGNORING. ".format(p, text)) return s
[docs] def pymol_text_string(self, rna_number): counter = 0 s = '' pa_s = 'cmd.set("label_size", 20)\n' uids = [] names = [] for (p, n, color, width, text, key) in self.segments: if len(text) == 0: continue # generate a unique identifier for every object so that other # scripts can add others that don't clash uid = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', 'x') uids += [uid] if np.all(n == p): pos = n axes = [[2, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 2]] else: comp1 = cuv.normalize(n - p) ncl = cuv.get_non_colinear_unit_vector(comp1) comp2 = cuv.normalize(np.cross(ncl, comp1)) comp3 = cuv.normalize(np.cross(ncl, comp2)) pos = (p + n) / 2.0 + 3 * comp2 axes = [list(comp1 * 2), list(comp2 * 2), list(comp3 * 2)] #text = "%s: %.1f" % (text, cuv.magnitude(n - p)) name = "label{}_{}_{}".format(len(uids), rna_number, names.append(name) pa_s += 'pa_{} = cmd.pseudoatom("{}", pos={},'.format(uid, name, str(list(pos))) pa_s += 'b=1.0, label="{}")\n'.format(text) counter += 1 all_patoms = ["pa_{}".format(ui) for ui in uids] pa_s += "'{}', '{}')\n".format( "labels_{}_{}".format(rna_number,, " ".join(names)) return pa_s
[docs] def pymol_box_string(self): ''' Pring out the CGO text to describe the boxes. ''' out_str = '' for (box, color) in self.boxes: uid = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', 'x') color = pymol_color(color, self.color_modifier) out_str += 'obj%s = [\n' % (uid) out_str += "LINEWIDTH, .8, \n" out_str += "BEGIN, TRIANGLES, \n" out_str += "COLOR, %s," % (", ".join([str(c) for c in color])) out_str += '\n' for corner in box: out_str += "VERTEX, %f, %f, %f, \n" % (corner[0], corner[1], corner[2]) out_str += 'END \n' out_str += '] \n' out_str += "cmd.load_cgo(obj%s, 'ss%s')\n" % (uid, uid) return out_str
[docs]class PymolPrinter(object): def __init__(self): self.display_virtual_residues = False self.rainbow = False self.basis = None self.visualize_three_and_five_prime = True self.encompassing_stems = False self.state = 2 self.virtual_atoms = False self.sidechain_atoms = False self.override_color = None self.element_specific_colors = None self.print_text = True self.add_longrange = False self.add_loops = True self.max_stem_distances = 0 self.add_letters = False self.draw_axes = False self.draw_segments = True = False self.stem_color = 'green' self.multiloop_color = 'red' self.prev_obj_name = '' # The name of the previously created # object which needs to be hidden # when creating a movie self.only_elements = None self.cylinder_width = 1.0 self.show_twists = True self.plotters = [] self.show_bounding_boxes = False
[docs] def add_cg(self, cg, labels, color_modifier=1.0): """ :param labels: A dictionary with element names as keys and labels as values. """ rna_plotter = PyMolRNA(, color_modifier) for key in cg.coords.keys(): if self.only_elements is not None: if key not in self.only_elements: continue (p, n) = cg.coords[key] color = self.get_element_color(key) if key[0] == 's': try: text = labels[key] except KeyError: text = key self.add_stem_like(rna_plotter, cg, text, key, color=color) if self.show_bounding_boxes: self.draw_bounding_boxes(rna_plotter, cg, key) else: if key[0] == 'h': if self.add_loops: try: text = labels[key] except KeyError: text = key + " " + str(cg.get_length(key)) rna_plotter.add_segment(p, n, color, self.cylinder_width, text, key=key) elif key[0] == 'm': twists = cg.get_twists(key) try: text = labels[key] except KeyError: # check if the multiloop is longer than one. If it's not, then # it has an empty define and its length will be 0 if len(cg.defines[key]) == 0: text = key + " 0" else: text = key + " " + \ str(cg.defines[key][1] - cg.defines[key][0] + 1) rna_plotter.add_segment(p, n, color, self.cylinder_width, text, key=key) elif key[0] in 'ft': try: text = labels[key] except KeyError: text = key + " " + \ str(cg.defines[key][1] - cg.defines[key][0] + 1) if self.visualize_three_and_five_prime: rna_plotter.add_segment(p, n, color, self.cylinder_width, text, key=key) elif key[0] == "i": try: text = labels[key] except KeyError: text = key rna_plotter.add_segment( p, n, color, self.cylinder_width, text, key=key) if self.display_virtual_residues: for i in range(1, cg.seq_length + 1): pos = cg.get_virtual_residue(i, True) if cg.get_node_from_residue_num(i)[0] == "s": c = "cyan" else: c = "magenta" rna_plotter.add_sphere(pos, c, 1.) if self.add_longrange: for key1 in cg.longrange.keys(): for key2 in cg.longrange[key1]: if self.only_elements is not None: if key1 not in self.only_elements or key2 not in self.only_elements: continue try: p = cuv.line_segment_distance(cg.coords[key1][0], cg.coords[key1][1], cg.coords[key2][0], cg.coords[key2][1]) rna_plotter.add_dashed(p[0], p[1]) except: continue if self.encompassing_stems: self.add_encompassing_cylinders(rna_plotter, cg, 7.) if self.max_stem_distances > 0: for (s1, s2) in it.permutations(cg.stem_iterator(), r=2): (i1, i2) = cuv.line_segment_distance(cg.coords[s1][0], cg.coords[s1][1], cg.coords[s2][0], cg.coords[s2][1]) if cuv.magnitude(i2 - i1) < self.max_stem_distances: #self.add_segment(i1, i2, 'cyan', 0.3, s1 + " " + s2, key=key) rna_plotter.add_segment(i1, i2, 'cyan', 0.3, key=key) if self.virtual_atoms or self.sidechain_atoms: cg.add_all_virtual_residues() va = ftug.virtual_atoms(cg, sidechain=self.sidechain_atoms) atom_width = 0.5 for i, r in enumerate(sorted(va.keys())): for a in va[r].keys(): if self.rainbow: import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cmap = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow') rna_plotter.add_sphere(va[r][a], color=cmap( i / float(len(va.keys()))), width=atom_width) else: d = cg.get_node_from_residue_num(r) if d[0] == 's': if a in ftup.nonsidechain_atoms: rna_plotter.add_sphere( va[r][a], self.stem_color, width=atom_width) else: rna_plotter.add_sphere( va[r][a], 'forest', width=atom_width) elif d[0] == 'i': rna_plotter.add_sphere( va[r][a], 'yellow', width=atom_width) elif d[0] == 'm': rna_plotter.add_sphere( va[r][a], self.multiloop_color, width=atom_width) elif d[0] == 'h': rna_plotter.add_sphere( va[r][a], 'blue', width=atom_width) if self.basis: for d in cg.defines.keys(): origin, basis = ftug.element_coord_system(cg, d) rna_plotter.add_segment( origin, origin + 7. * basis[1], 'purple', 0.5, key=key) self.plotters.append(rna_plotter)
[docs] def add_stem_like(self, rna_plotter, cg, text, key, color='green', width=2.4): if key in cg.twists: return self.add_stem_like_core(rna_plotter, cg.coords[key], cg.twists[key], cg.stem_length(key), text, key, color, width) else: return self.add_stem_like_core(rna_plotter, cg.coords[key], None, cg.stem_length(key), text, key, color, width)
[docs] def add_stem_like_core(self, rna_plotter, coords, twists, stem_len, text, key, color='green', width=2.4): (p, n) = coords width *= self.cylinder_width rna_plotter.add_segment(p, n, color, width, text, key=key) if self.show_twists: rna_plotter.add_cone(p, n, 'white', width, key) mult = 8. width = .3 (twist1o, twist2o) = twists rna_plotter.add_segment( p, p + mult * twist1o, "cyan", width, '', key=key) rna_plotter.add_segment( n, n + mult * twist2o, "magenta", width, '', key=key) for i in range(stem_len): res = ftug.virtual_res_3d_pos_core((p, n), twists, i, stem_len) (pos, vec_c, vec_l, vec_r) = res rna_plotter.add_segment( pos, pos + mult * vec_c, "orange", width, '', key=key) if self.add_letters: rna_plotter.labels += [('L', list(pos + mult * vec_l))] rna_plotter.labels += [('R', list(pos + mult * vec_r))]
[docs] def pymol_axis_string(self): w = 0.12 # cylinder width l = 10.0 # cylinder length h = 3.0 # cone hight d = w * 2.618 # cone base diameter s = "" s += "CYLINDER, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, %f, 0.0, 0.0, %f," % (l, w) s += " 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0," s += "CYLINDER, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, %f, 0.0, %f, " % (l, w) s += "0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0," s += "CYLINDER, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, %f, %f, " % (l, w) s += "1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0," s += "CONE, %f, 0.0, 0.0, %f, 0.0, 0.0, %f, " % (l, h + l, d) s += "0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0," s += "CONE, 0.0, %f, 0.0, 0.0, %f, 0.0, %f, " % (l, h + l, d) s += "0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0," s += "CONE, 0.0, 0.0, %f, 0.0, 0.0, %f, %f, " % (l, h + l, d) s += "0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0," return s
[docs] def pymol_string(self): ''' Output the contents of this structure into a file that can be passed in as a pymol script. ''' s = self.pymol_intro_string() for i, plotter in enumerate(self.plotters): object_id = "{}_{}".format(i, s += "obj{} = [\n".format(object_id) if self.draw_segments: s += plotter.pymol_segments_string() s += plotter.pymol_spheres_string() s += ']\n' s += self.pymol_load_cgo_string(object_id) if self.print_text: s += plotter.pymol_text_string(i) s += plotter.pymol_box_string() if self.draw_axes: s += plotter.pymol_axis_string() return s
[docs] def pymol_intro_string(self): s = "from pymol.cgo import *" + '\n' s += "from pymol import cmd" + '\n' s += "from pymol.vfont import plain" + '\n' return s
[docs] def pymol_load_cgo_string(self, object_id): if s = "cmd.load_cgo(obj%s, 'ss%s', %d)" % (object_id, object_id, self.state) + '\n' self.state += 1 else: s = "cmd.load_cgo(obj%s, 'ss%s')" % (object_id, object_id) + '\n' return s
[docs] def draw_bounding_boxes(self, rna_plotter, bg, s): ''' Draw bounding boxes for all of the residues encompassed by a stem. But only if there is a pdb file handy. @param bg: The BulgeGraph @param s: The name of the stem ''' if not bg.chains: return for i in range(bg.stem_length(s)): (origin, basis, bb) = ftug.bounding_boxes(bg, s, i) for k in range(2): (n, x) = bb[k] corners = [ [n[0], n[1], n[2]], [n[0], n[1], x[2]], [n[0], x[1], n[2]], [n[0], x[1], x[2]], [x[0], n[1], n[2]], [x[0], n[1], x[2]], [x[0], x[1], n[2]], [x[0], x[1], x[2]], [n[0], n[1], n[2]], [x[0], n[1], n[2]], [n[0], x[1], n[2]], [x[0], x[1], n[2]], [n[0], x[1], x[2]], [x[0], x[1], x[2]], [n[0], n[1], x[2]], [x[0], n[1], x[2]], [n[0], n[1], n[2]], [n[0], x[1], n[2]], [x[0], n[1], n[2]], [x[0], x[1], n[2]], [n[0], n[1], x[2]], [n[0], x[1], x[2]], [x[0], n[1], x[2]], [x[0], x[1], x[2]]] new_corners = [] for corner in corners: new_corners += [origin + cuv.change_basis(np.array(corner), cuv.standard_basis, basis)] corners = np.array(new_corners) if k == 0: rna_plotter.boxes += [(corners, 'yellow')] rna_plotter.add_sphere(corners[0], 'yellow', 0.4, '') rna_plotter.add_sphere(corners[7], 'yellow', 0.4, '') else: rna_plotter.add_sphere(corners[0], 'purple', 0.4, '') rna_plotter.add_sphere(corners[7], 'purple', 0.4, '') rna_plotter.boxes += [(corners, 'purple')]
[docs] def add_encompassing_cylinders(self, rna_plotter, cg, radius=7.): cylinders_to_stems = ftug.get_encompassing_cylinders(cg, radius) for stems in cylinders_to_stems.values(): print("stems:", stems) points = [] for s in stems: points += [cg.coords[s][0], cg.coords[s][1]] # create the linear regression data = np.array(points) datamean = data.mean(axis=0) uu, dd, vv = np.linalg.svd(data - datamean) furthest = max([ftuv.magnitude(d) for d in (data - datamean)]) start_point = -furthest * vv[0] + datamean end_point = furthest * vv[0] + datamean rna_plotter.add_segment( start_point, end_point, 'white', width=4, text='', key='')
[docs] def get_element_color(self, elem_name): ''' Get the color for this element. The color is determined by the name of the element. @param elem_name: The name of the element. @return: A string with a color name ''' if self.element_specific_colors is not None: try: return self.element_specific_colors[elem_name] except KeyError: pass if elem_name[0] == 's': return self.stem_color elif elem_name[0] == 'i': return 'yellow' elif elem_name[0] == 'm': return self.multiloop_color elif elem_name[0] == 'h': return 'blue' elif elem_name[0] == 't': return 'magenta' elif elem_name[0] == 'f': return 'cyan'
