forgi 2.0.0 documentation


Source code for forgi.threedee.model.linecloud

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from builtins import (ascii, bytes, chr, dict, filter, hex, input,
                      int, map, next, oct, open, pow, range, round,
                      str, super, zip)
import sys
if sys.version_info < (3,):
    from future.utils import viewkeys
    viewkeys = lambda dic, **kwargs: dic.keys(**kwargs)

import numpy as np
from collections import Mapping
import itertools
import logging
import forgi.threedee.utilities.vector as ftuv

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def profile(f): return f
[docs]class CoordinateStorage(Mapping): """ Provides a dictionary-like interface for the access to coordinates of elements, while the coordinates are actually stored as numpy array to allow for manipultion with array operations. """ def __init__(self, element_names, on_change=lambda key: None): """ :param defines: The keys that will be used. :param on_change: A function that will be called, whenever coordinates are changed. It will receive the key for which the coordinates are changed as sole argument. """ # Initialize coordinate array to NANs self._dimensions = 3 self._coords_per_key = 2 log.debug("Initializing CoordinateStorage with Nans") self._coordinates = np.ones( (self._coords_per_key * len(element_names), self._dimensions)) * np.nan self._elem_names = {elem: position for position, elem in enumerate(element_names)} #: on-change function is called whenever coordinates are modified. self.on_change = on_change @profile def _indices_for(self, elem_name): try: i = self._elem_names[elem_name] except ValueError: raise KeyError("Invalid index {}".format(elem_name)) if self._coords_per_key == 2: return [2 * i, 2 * i + 1] else: ret = [] for j in range(self._coords_per_key): ret.append(2 * i + j) return ret @profile def __getitem__(self, elem_name): """ Get the coordinates for a certain coarse grained elements. :param elem_name: Either a string with the element name ("s1", "m0", ...) or a sequence of element names. :returns: A copy of the corresponding coordinates. If elem_name is a single string, return a tuple of coordinates. If elem_name is a sequence of strings, return a 2*len(elem_name)x3 numpy array. """ try: # Single element name indices = self._indices_for(elem_name) return tuple(self._coordinates[i] for i in indices) except TypeError: # Sequence of element names or invalid # Assume sequence of elements indices = [] try: for elem in elem_name: try: indices += self._indices_for(elem) except KeyError as e: raise KeyError("Invalid index: Neither '{}' nor '{}' are valid element " "names.".format(elem_name, elem_name[0])) except TypeError: # elem_name is not iterable raise KeyError( "Invalid index: Indices must be of type string or sequence of strings. Found {}".format(elem_name)) # Advanced numpy indexing yields a copy. return self._coordinates[indices] @profile def __setitem__(self, key, value): # Commented out for speed-gain # if len(value)!=self._coords_per_key: # raise ValueError("Value must be a {}-tuple of coordinates".format(self._coords_per_key)) # for i in range(self._coords_per_key): # if len(value[i])!=self._dimensions: # raise ValueError("Coordinates must have {} dimensions, " # "found {} for entry {}".format(self._dimensions, len(value[i]), i)) indices = self._indices_for(key) for i, index in enumerate(indices): log.debug("Setting coordinate %s(%d) to %s", key, i, value[i]) self._coordinates[index] = value[i] self.on_change(key) def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._elem_names def __iter__(self): return iter(self._elem_names) def __len__(self): return len(self._elem_names)
[docs] def rotate(self, rotation_matrix): """ Rotate all coordinates using the given rotation matrix. """ rotation_matrix = np.asarray(rotation_matrix) if rotation_matrix.shape != (3, 3): raise ValueError( "Rotation matrix does not have the correct shape!") self._coordinates =, rotation_matrix.T) for key in self._elem_names: self.on_change(key)
[docs] def get_array(self): """ Return a copy of the underlying numpy array. """ return np.copy(self._coordinates)
@property def is_filled(self): """ Returns True if all coordinates are set to somethiong different than nan. """ return not np.isnan(self._coordinates).any() def __str__(self): lines = [] for elem in self._elem_names: lines.append("{}: ".format(elem) + ", ".join(str(val) for val in self[elem])) return("\n".join(lines)) def __repr__(self): return "<{} object at {} with {}>".format(type(self).__name__, hex(id(self)), str(self).replace("\n", "; ")) def __eq__(self, other): log.debug("Testing equality") if type(self) != type(other): log.debug("Typecheck failed") return NotImplemented if viewkeys(self._elem_names) != viewkeys(other._elem_names): log.debug("Keys different: self only: {}, other only: {}".format( viewkeys(self._elem_names) - viewkeys(other._elem_names), viewkeys(other._elem_names) - viewkeys(self._elem_names))) return False if np.all(np.isnan(self._coordinates)) and np.all(np.isnan(other._coordinates)): log.debug("True: All is NAN") return True for key in self: if not np.allclose(self[key], other[key]): log.debug("Values for key {} different: {}!={}".format( key, self[key], other[key])) return False log.debug("Equal!") return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other
[docs]class LineSegmentStorage(CoordinateStorage): _coords_per_key = 2 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(LineSegmentStorage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._i_to_elem = {i: elem for elem, i in self._elem_names.items()} self.is_centered = False self.on_change = self._extended_on_change(self.on_change) def _extended_on_change(self, f): """ In addition to the user-supplied function, also reset is_centered. """ def fu(key): f(key) self.is_centered = False return fu
[docs] def center(self): self._coordinates = ftuv.center_on_centroid(self._coordinates) self.is_centered = True
# This assumes the stored coordinates are points not directions
[docs] def get_direction(self, elem_name): assert self._coords_per_key == 2 # Or else a direction does not make sense indices = self._indices_for(elem_name) return self._coordinates[indices[1]] - self._coordinates[indices[0]]
[docs] @profile def elements_closer_than(self, cutoff, ignore=[]): """ :param ignore: A set of tuples (element name-pairs) to ignore """ # See by Fnord # Modified to make use of numpy vectorization. i_to_elem = self._i_to_elem assert self._coords_per_key == 2 directions = self._coordinates[1::2] - self._coordinates[::2] magnitudes = np.linalg.norm(directions, axis=1, keepdims=True) normed_directions = directions / magnitudes hits = [] for i, j in itertools.combinations(range(len(self._elem_names)), 2): potential_interaction = tuple(sorted((i_to_elem[i], i_to_elem[j]))) node1, node2 = potential_interaction if (node1, node2) in ignore or (node2, node1) in ignore: log.debug("Ignoring nodes %s", potential_interaction) continue else: log.debug("Testing closeness of %s", (node1, node2)) a0 = self._coordinates[2 * i] a1 = self._coordinates[2 * i + 1] b0 = self._coordinates[2 * j] b1 = self._coordinates[2 * j + 1] vec_a0b0 = b0 - a0 len_a0b0 = ftuv.magnitude(vec_a0b0) if len_a0b0 < cutoff: log.debug("a0b0 already confirms hit for %s", potential_interaction) hits.append(potential_interaction) continue elif len_a0b0 > cutoff + magnitudes[i] + magnitudes[j]: log.debug("a0b0 already rules out a hit for %s", potential_interaction) continue # Cannot be closer than cutoff! a_normed = normed_directions[i] b_normed = normed_directions[j] cross = np.cross(a_normed, b_normed) denom = np.sum(cross**2) # =norm**2 SMALL_NUMBER = 0.000001 if denom < SMALL_NUMBER: # lines are parallel d0 =, vec_a0b0) vec_a0b1 = b1 - a0 d1 =, vec_a0b1) # Is segment B before A? if d0 <= 0 >= d1: if np.absolute(d0) < np.absolute(d1): if len_a0b0 < cutoff: hits.append(potential_interaction) log.debug( "Parallel lines (B first, d0 small) are close: %s", (potential_interaction)) else: log.debug( "Parallel lines (B first, d0 small) are far: %s", (potential_interaction)) continue if ftuv.magnitude(b1 - a0) < cutoff: hits.append(potential_interaction) log.debug( "Parallel lines (B first, d0 big) are close: %s", (potential_interaction)) else: log.debug( "Parallel lines (B first, d0 big) are far: %s", (potential_interaction)) continue # Is segment B after A? elif d0 >= np.asscalar(magnitudes[i]) <= d1: if np.absolute(d0) < np.absolute(d1): if ftuv.magnitude(b0 - a1) < cutoff: hits.append(potential_interaction) log.debug( "Parallel lines (A first, d0 small) are close: %s", (potential_interaction)) else: log.debug( "Parallel lines (A first, d0 small) are far: %s", (potential_interaction)) continue if ftuv.magnitude(b1 - a1) < cutoff: hits.append(potential_interaction) log.debug( "Parallel lines (A first, d0 big) are close: %s", (potential_interaction)) else: log.debug( "Parallel lines (A first, d0 big) are far: %s", (potential_interaction)) continue if ftuv.magnitude(((d0 * a_normed) + a0) - b0) < cutoff: hits.append(potential_interaction) log.debug("Parallel lines (ELSE) are close: %s", (potential_interaction)) else: log.debug("Parallel lines (ELSE) are far: %s", potential_interaction) continue # Lines criss-cross: Calculate the dereminent # np.linalg.det([vec_a0b0, b_normed, cross]) det0 = ftuv.det3x3(np.array([vec_a0b0, b_normed, cross])) # np.linalg.det([vec_a0b0, a_normed, cross]) det1 = ftuv.det3x3(np.array([vec_a0b0, a_normed, cross])) t0 = det0 / denom t1 = det1 / denom pA = a0 + (a_normed * t0) pB = b0 + (b_normed * t1) # Clamp results to line segments if needed pA_ = pA pB_ = pB if t0 < 0: pA_ = a0 elif t0 > magnitudes[i]: pA_ = a1 if t1 < 0: pB_ = b0 elif t1 > magnitudes[j]: pB_ = b1 dA = ftuv.magnitude(pA - pA_) dB = ftuv.magnitude(pB - pB_) if dB > dA: dot = - a0, a_normed) if dot < 0: pA_ = a0 elif dot > magnitudes[i]: pA_ = a1 else: pA_ = a0 + a_normed * dot elif dB < dA: dot = - b0, b_normed) if dot < 0: pB_ = b0 elif dot > magnitudes[j]: pB_ = b1 else: pB_ = b0 + b_normed * dot pA = pA_ pB = pB_ d = ftuv.magnitude(pA - pB) log.debug("d {}, cutoff {} for {}".format( d, cutoff, potential_interaction)) if d < cutoff: hits.append(potential_interaction) return hits
[docs] def rmsd_to(self, other): # This import is here to avoid circular imports. import forgi.threedee.model.similarity as ftms if self._elem_names == other._elem_names: return ftms.rmsd(self._coordinates, other._coordinates, self.is_centered & other.is_centered) else: common_keys = set(self._elem_names.keys()) & set( other._elem_names.keys()) if len(common_keys) == len(self._elem_names): rev_lookup = list(x for x in sorted( self._elem_names.keys(), key=self._elem_names.__getitem__)) other_array = np.array( [coord_line for d in rev_lookup for coord_line in [other[d][0], other[d][1]]]) return ftms.rmsd(self._coordinates, other_array, self.is_centered & other.is_centered) else: common_keys = list(common_keys) this_array = np.array( [coord_line for d in common_keys for coord_line in [self[d][0], self[d][1]]]) other_array = np.array( [coord_line for d in common_keys for coord_line in [other[d][0], other[d][1]]]) return ftms.rmsd(this_array, other_array, False)
@profile def _indices_for(self, elem_name): # Avoiding a range is faster if we know that we have only two keys! assert self._coords_per_key == 2 try: i = self._elem_names[elem_name] except ValueError: raise KeyError("Invalid index {}".format(elem_name)) return [2 * i, 2 * i + 1]
