forgi 2.0.0 documentation


Source code for forgi.projection.projection2d

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
# int is not imported from builtins here for performance reasons.
# See:
from builtins import (ascii, bytes, chr, dict, filter, hex, input,
                      map, next, oct, open, pow, range, round,
                      str, super, zip, object)

import forgi.threedee.utilities.vector as ftuv
import forgi.threedee.utilities.graph_pdb as ftug
import forgi.utilities.stuff as fus
import collections as col
import numpy as np
import itertools as it
# import networkx as nx Takes to long. Import only when needed
import warnings
import math
import copy
import sys
import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

This module uses code by David Eppstein
under the PSF license and code by Syrtis Major
(c)2014-2015 ( under the BSD 3-Clause license
and potentially copyrighted code from matplotlib under the PSF license

    profile  # The @profile decorator from line_profiler (kernprof)
except NameError:
[docs] def profile(x): return x
[docs]def to_rgb(im): """ Convert an np array image from grayscale to RGB """ # SEE try: w, h = im.shape except ValueError: # Probably RGB already w, h, c = im.shape return im else: newImg = np.empty((w, h, 3), dtype=np.uint8) newImg[:, :, 2] = newImg[:, :, 1] = newImg[:, :, 0] = ( im * 255).astype(np.uint8) return newImg
[docs]def to_grayscale(im): """ Convert an np array image from RGB to grayscale """ try: w, h, _ = im.shape except ValueError: return im else: newImg = np.empty((w, h)) newImg[:, :] = (im[:, :, 0] / 255 + im[:, :, 1] / 255 + im[:, :, 2] / 255) / 3 return newImg
[docs]def rasterized_2d_coordinates(points, angstrom_per_cell=10, origin=np.array([0, 0]), rotate=0): angle = math.radians(rotate) c = np.cos(angle) s = np.sin(angle) rotMat = np.array([[c, -s], [s, c]]) #print("FPP: rasterization: rotationmatrix ",rotMat) a = ((, rotMat) - origin) // angstrom_per_cell).astype(int) b =, rotMat) #print("FPP: rasterization: roatated: ", b) b = b - origin #print("FPP: rasterization: roatated and offset: ", b) assert (a == (b // angstrom_per_cell).astype(int)).all() return a
[docs]def crop_coordinates_to_bounds(a, num_cells): """ :a: an array of x,y coordinates (modified in place) """ return a.clip(min=0, max=num_cells - 1)
# The following functions are from # # Used under the PSF License ############################################################################################ # convex hull (Graham scan by x-coordinate) and diameter of a set of points # David Eppstein, UC Irvine, 7 Mar 2002
[docs]def orientation(p, q, r): '''Return positive if p-q-r are clockwise, neg if ccw, zero if colinear.''' return (q[1] - p[1]) * (r[0] - p[0]) - (q[0] - p[0]) * (r[1] - p[1])
[docs]def hulls(Points): '''Graham scan to find upper and lower convex hulls of a set of 2d points.''' U = [] L = [] Points.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1])) for p in Points: while len(U) > 1 and orientation(U[-2], U[-1], p) <= 0: U.pop() while len(L) > 1 and orientation(L[-2], L[-1], p) >= 0: L.pop() U.append(p) L.append(p) return U, L
[docs]def rotatingCalipers(Points): '''Given a list of 2d points, finds all ways of sandwiching the points between two parallel lines that touch one point each, and yields the sequence of pairs of points touched by each pair of lines.''' U, L = hulls(Points) i = 0 j = len(L) - 1 while i < len(U) - 1 or j > 0: yield U[i], L[j] # if all the way through one side of hull, advance the other side if i == len(U) - 1: j -= 1 elif j == 0: i += 1 # still points left on both lists, compare slopes of next hull edges # being careful to avoid divide-by-zero in slope calculation elif (U[i + 1][1] - U[i][1]) * (L[j][0] - L[j - 1][0]) > \ (L[j][1] - L[j - 1][1]) * (U[i + 1][0] - U[i][0]): i += 1 else: j -= 1
[docs]def diameter(Points): '''Given a list of 2d points, returns the pair that's farthest apart.''' try: diam, pair = max([((p[0] - q[0])**2 + (p[1] - q[1])**2, (p, q)) for p, q in rotatingCalipers(Points)], key=lambda x: x[0]) except: print(repr([((p[0] - q[0])**2 + (p[1] - q[1])**2, (p, q)) for p, q in rotatingCalipers(Points)])) raise return pair
# END David Eppstein #@profile
[docs]def rotate2D(vector, cosPhi, sinPhi): x = vector[0] * cosPhi - vector[1] * sinPhi y = vector[0] * sinPhi + vector[1] * cosPhi return np.array([x, y])
[docs]def bresenham(start, end): """ Rasterize a line from start to end onto a grid with grid-width 1. :param start: A sequence of length 2, containing the x,y coordinates of the start of the line :param start: A sequence of length 2, containing the x,y coordinates of the end of the line :returns: A list of tuples (x,y), where x and y are integers. """ # See e.g. # or if start == end: return [start] points = [] dx = end[0] - start[0] dy = end[1] - start[1] x, y = start if dx == 0: sx = 0 else: sx = dx // abs(dx) if dy == 0: sy = 0 else: sy = dy // abs(dy) dx = abs(dx) dy = abs(dy) if dx > dy: err = dx / 2. while x != end[0]: # print(x,y) points.append((x, y)) err -= dy if err < 0: y += sy err += dx x += sx else: err = dy / 2. while y != end[1]: # print(x,y) points.append((x, y)) err -= dx if err < 0: x += sx err += dy y += sy points.append((x, y)) # if abs(dx)>1 or abs(dy)>1: #print(start, end, points) return points
[docs]class Projection2D(object): """ A 2D Projection of a CoarseGrainRNA unto a 2D-plane """ @profile def __init__(self, cg, proj_direction=None, rotation=0, project_virtual_atoms=False, project_virtual_residues=[]): """ :param cg: a CoarseGrainRNA object with 3D coordinates for every element .. note:: The projection is generated from this cg, but it is not associated with it after construction. Thus future changes of the cg are not reflected in the projection. :param proj_direction: a carthesian vector (in 3D space) in the direction of projection. The length of this vector is not used. If proj_direction is None, cg.project_from is used. If proj_direction and cg.project_from is None, an error is raised. :param rotate: Degrees. Rotate the projection by this amount. """ #: The projected coordinates of all stems self._coords = dict() self._cross_points = None self._proj_graph = None # Calculate orthonormal basis of projection plane. # Compare to none, because `if np.array:` raises ValueError. if proj_direction is not None: proj_direction = np.array(proj_direction, dtype=np.float) elif cg.project_from is not None: # We make a copy here. In case cg.project_from is modified, # we still want to be able to look up from what direction the projection was generated. proj_direction = np.array(cg.project_from, dtype=np.float) else: raise ValueError( "No projection direction given and none present in the cg Object.") _, unit_vec1, unit_vec2 = ftuv.create_orthonormal_basis(proj_direction) self._unit_vec1 = unit_vec1 self._unit_vec2 = unit_vec2 self._proj_direction = proj_direction self._virtual_residues = [] self.virtual_residue_numbers = project_virtual_residues self._project(cg, project_virtual_atoms, project_virtual_residues) # Rotate and translate projection into a standard orientation points = list(self.points) v1, v2 = diameter(points) #: The longest distance between any two points of the projection. self.longest_axis = ftuv.vec_distance(v1, v2) v1 = np.array(v1) v2 = np.array(v2) shift = (v1 + v2) / 2 for key, edge in self._coords.items(): self._coords[key] = (edge[0] - shift, edge[1] - shift) if project_virtual_atoms: self._virtual_atoms = self._virtual_atoms - shift if project_virtual_residues: self._virtual_residues = self._virtual_residues - shift rot = math.atan2(*(v2 - v1)) rot = math.degrees(rot) self.rotate(rot) xmean = np.mean([x[0] for p in self._coords.values() for x in p]) ymean = np.mean([x[1] for p in self._coords.values() for x in p]) mean = np.array([xmean, ymean]) for key, edge in self._coords.items(): self._coords[key] = (edge[0] - mean, edge[1] - mean) # Thanks to numpy broadcasting, this works without a loop. if project_virtual_atoms: self._virtual_atoms = self._virtual_atoms - mean if project_virtual_residues: self._virtual_residues = self._virtual_residues - mean # From this, further rotate if requested by the user. if rotation != 0: self.rotate(rotation) ### Functions modifying the projection in place ###
[docs] @profile def rotate(self, angle): """ Rotate the projection in place around the origin (0,0) :param angle: Rotation angle in degrees. """ angle = math.radians(angle) c = np.cos(angle) s = np.sin(angle) self._proj_graph = None for key, edge in self._coords.items(): self._coords[key] = (rotate2D(edge[0], c, s), rotate2D(edge[1], c, s)) transRotMat = np.array([[c, s], [-s, c]]) if len(self._virtual_atoms): self._virtual_atoms =, transRotMat) if self.virtual_residue_numbers: self._virtual_residues = self._virtual_residues, transRotMat)
[docs] def condense_points(self, cutoff=1): """ Condenses several projection points that are within a range of less than cutoff into one point. This function modifies this Projection2D object. .. note:: The result depends on the ordering of the dictionary holding the nodes and might thus be pseudorandomly :param cutoff: Two point with a distance smaller than cuttoff are contracted. A value below 20 is reasonable. """ if cutoff <= 0: return while self._condense_one(cutoff): pass self.proj_graph.remove_edges_from(self.proj_graph.selfloop_edges())
[docs] def condense(self, cutoff): """ Condenses points that are within the cutoff of another point or edge (=line segment) into a new point. This function modifies this Projection2D object. The contraction of two points works like documented in `self.condense_points(self, cutoff)`. If a node is close to a line segment, a new point is generated between this node and the line segment. Then the original line and the original node are deleted and all connections attached to the new point. .. note:: The result depends on the ordering of the dictionary holding the nodes and might thus be pseudorandomly :param cutoff: Two point with a distance smaller than cuttoff are contracted. A value below 20 is reasonable. """ if cutoff <= 0: return self.condense_points(cutoff) while self._condense_pointWithLine_step(cutoff): self.condense_points(cutoff)
### Get virtual residues ### @property def vres_iterator(self): for i, nr in enumerate(self.virtual_residue_numbers): yield nr, self._virtual_residues[i]
[docs] def get_vres_by_position(self, pos): """ :param pos: The nucleotide position in the sequence """ for i, nr in enumerate(self.virtual_residue_numbers): if nr == pos: return self._virtual_residues[i] else: raise LookupError("This virtual residue was not projected")
### Properties ### @property def proj_direction(self): """A vector describing the direction of the projection""" return self._proj_direction @property def crossingPoints(self): """ All points, where 2 segments intersect A list of triples `(key1, key2, coordinate)`, where coordinate is a 2D vector. """ if self._cross_points is None: self._cross_points = col.defaultdict(list) for key1, key2 in it.combinations(self._coords, 2): for cr in ftuv.seg_intersect(self._coords[key1], self._coords[key2]): self._cross_points[key1].append((cr, key2)) self._cross_points[key2].append((cr, key1)) return self._cross_points # Note: This is SLOW the first time it is called. Should be avoided as much as possible. @property def proj_graph(self): """A graph describing the projected RNA. This graph is stored as a `networkx` graph object. """ if self._proj_graph is None: self._build_proj_graph() return self._proj_graph @property def points(self): """ All points that are at the ends of coarse-grain elements. This does not include points where coarse grain elements intersect in the projection. Some points might be duplicates :returns: A generator yielding all points. """ # Exclude m and i Elements, as they are always flanked by stems. return (p for k, x in self._coords.items() for p in x if k[0] != "i" and k[0] != "m") ### Functions returning descriptors of the projection, mostly independent on the resolution ### ### Function returning descriptors of the projection, dependent on the resolution ###
[docs] def get_bounding_box(self, margin=0.): """ Returns the coordinates for a box that contains all points of the 2D projection. :param margin: increase the bounding box in every direction by this margin. :returns: left, right, bottom, top """ points = [p for x in self._coords.values() for p in x] #print("P", points) left = min(x[0] for x in points) - margin right = max(x[0] for x in points) + margin bottom = min(x[1] for x in points) - margin top = max(x[1] for x in points) + margin # print "BB", left, right, bottom, top return left, right, bottom, top
[docs] def get_bounding_square(self, margin=0.): """ Returns the coordinates for a square that contains all points of the 2D projection. :param margin: increase the bounding box in every direction by this margin. :returns: left, right, bottom, top """ bb = self.get_bounding_box() length = max([bb[1] - bb[0], bb[3] - bb[2]]) / 2 + margin x = (bb[0] + bb[1]) / 2 y = (bb[2] + bb[3]) / 2 return x - length, x + length, y - length, y + length
[docs] def get_branchpoint_count(self, degree=None): """ Returns the number of branchpoint. .. note:: This measure is sensitive to the resolution of a projection. In an AFM image, one might not see all branching points. .. warning:: Whether this code will stay in the library or not depends on future evaluation of the usefulness of this and similar descriptors. :param degree: If degree is None, count all points with degree>=3 Else: only count (branch)points of the given degree """ import networkx as nx assert int(nx.__version__[ 0]) >= 2, "This function only works with networkx version 2, not {}!".format(nx.__version__) if degree is None: return len([x[1] for x in if x[1] >= 3]) else: return len([x[1] for x in if x[1] == degree])
[docs] def get_cyclebasis_len(self): """ Returns the number of cycles of length>1 in the cycle basis. .. warning:: Whether this code will stay in the library or not depends on future evaluation of the usefulness of this and similar descriptors. """ import networkx as nx return len([x for x in nx.cycle_basis(self.proj_graph) if len(x) > 1])
[docs] def get_total_length(self): """ Returns the sum of the lengths of all edges in the projection graph. .. note:: This measure is sensitive to the resolution of a projection. In an AFM image, one might not see all cycles. .. warning:: Whether this code will stay in the library or not depends on future evaluation of the usefulness of this and similar descriptors. """ l = 0 for edge in self.proj_graph.edges(): l += ftuv.vec_distance(edge[0], edge[1]) return l
[docs] def get_longest_arm_length(self): """ Get the length of the longest arm. An arm is a simple path from a node of `degree!=2` to a node of `degree 1`, if all the other nodes on the path have `degree 2`. .. note:: This measure is sensitive to the resolution of a projection the same way the length of a coastline is sensitive to the resolution. .. warning:: Whether this code will stay in the library or not depends on future evaluation of the usefulness of this and similar descriptors. :returns: The length and a tuple of points `(leaf_node, corresponding_branch_point)` """ import networkx as nx lengths = {} target = {} for leaf, degree in if degree != 1: continue lengths[leaf] = 0 previous = None current = leaf while True: next = [x for x in self.proj_graph[current].keys() if x != previous] assert len(next) == 1 next = next[0] lengths[leaf] += ftuv.vec_distance(current, next) if != 2: break previous = current current = next target[leaf] = next best_leaf = max(lengths, key=lambda x: lengths[x]) return lengths[best_leaf], (best_leaf, target[best_leaf])
[docs] def get_leaf_leaf_distances(self): """ Get a list of distances between any pair of leaf nodes. The distances are measured in direct line, not along the path .. warning:: Whether this code will stay in the library or not depends on future evaluation of the usefulness of this and similar descriptors. :returns: a list of floats (lengths in Angstrom) """ lengths = [] leaves = [leaf for leaf in self.proj_graph.nodes( ) if == 1] for leaf1, leaf2 in it.combinations(leaves, 2): lengths.append(ftuv.vec_distance(leaf1, leaf2)) lengths.sort(reverse=True) return lengths
[docs] def get_some_leaf_leaf_distances(self): """ Get a list of distances between some pairs of leaf nodes. The distances are measured in direct line, not along the path .. warning:: Whether this code will stay in the library or not depends on future evaluation of the usefulness of this and similar descriptors. :returns: a list of floats (lengths in Angstrom) """ lengths = [] leaves = [leaf for leaf in self.proj_graph.nodes( ) if == 1] for leaf1, leaf2 in it.combinations(leaves, 2): lengths.append((ftuv.vec_distance(leaf1, leaf2), leaf1, leaf2)) lengths.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[0]) newlengths = [] visited = set() for l, leaf1, leaf2 in lengths: if leaf1 in visited or leaf2 in visited: continue newlengths.append(l) visited.add(leaf1) visited.add(leaf2) return newlengths
[docs] def get_maximal_path_length(self): """ Get the maximal path length from all simple paths that traverses the projection graph from one leave node to another. .. note:: This measure is sensitive to the resolution of a projection the same way the length of a coastline is sensitive to the resoltuion. .. warning:: Whether this code will stay in the library or not depends on future evaluation of the usefulness of this and similar descriptors. """ import networkx as nx maxl = 0 for i, node1 in enumerate(self.proj_graph.nodes()): for j, node2 in enumerate(self.proj_graph.nodes()): if j <= i: continue all_paths = nx.all_simple_paths(self.proj_graph, node1, node2) for path in all_paths: l = self._get_path_length(path) if l > maxl: maxl = l return maxl
### Functions for graphical representations of the projection ###
[docs] @profile def rasterize(self, resolution=50, bounding_square=None, warn=True, virtual_atoms=True, rotate=0, virtual_residues=True): """ Rasterize the projection to a square image of the given resolution. Uses the Bresenham algorithm for line rasterization. :param resolution: The number of pixels in each direction. :param bounding_square: Rasterize onto the given square. If `None`, automatically get a bounding_square that shows the whole projection :param warn: If True, raise a warning if parts of the projection are not inside the given bounding square. :param virtual_atoms: If True, virtual atoms are also rasterized. :param rot: The in-plane rotation in degrees, applied before rotation. :returns: A tuple `(np.array, float)`. The first value is a resolution x resolution numpy 2D array. The values are floats from 0.0 (black) to 1.0 (white). This array can be directly plotted using matplotlib: `pyplot.imshow(array, cmap='gray', interpolation='none')` The second value is the length of one pixle in angstrom. """ if bounding_square is None: bounding_square = self.get_bounding_square() box = bounding_square steplength = (box[1] - box[0]) / resolution image = np.zeros([resolution, resolution], dtype=np.float32) img_length = len(image) angle = math.radians(rotate) c = np.cos(angle) s = np.sin(angle) starts = [] ends = [] for label in self._coords: if virtual_atoms and len(self._virtual_atoms): if label[0] == "s": continue starts.append(self._coords[label][0]) ends.append(self._coords[label][1]) starts = np.array(starts) ends = np.array(ends) starts = rasterized_2d_coordinates( starts, steplength, np.array([box[0], box[2]]), rotate) ends = rasterized_2d_coordinates( ends, steplength, np.array([box[0], box[2]]), rotate) for i in range(len(starts)): points = bresenham(tuple(starts[i]), tuple(ends[i])) for p in points: if 0 <= p[0] < img_length and 0 <= p[1] < img_length: image[p[0], p[1]] = 1 else: if warn: warnings.warn("WARNING during rasterization of the 2D Projection: " "Parts of the projection are cropped off.") if virtual_atoms and len(self._virtual_atoms): rot_virtual_atoms = rasterized_2d_coordinates( self._virtual_atoms, steplength, np.array([box[0], box[2]]), rotate) rot_virtual_atoms_clip = crop_coordinates_to_bounds( rot_virtual_atoms, img_length) if warn and (rot_virtual_atoms_clip != rot_virtual_atoms).any(): warnings.warn("WARNING during rasterization of virtual atoms: " "Parts of the projection are cropped off.") image[rot_virtual_atoms_clip[:, 0], rot_virtual_atoms_clip[:, 1]] = 1 if virtual_residues and self.virtual_residue_numbers: image = to_rgb(image) rot_virtual_res = rasterized_2d_coordinates( self._virtual_residues, steplength, np.array([box[0], box[2]]), rotate) for i, point in enumerate(rot_virtual_res): color = ( 0, 150, 255 * self.virtual_residue_numbers[i] // max(self.virtual_residue_numbers)) if 0 <= point[0] < img_length and 0 <= point[1] < img_length: image[point[0], point[1]] = color else: if warn: warnings.warn("WARNING during rasterization of virtual residues: " "Parts of the projection are cropped off.") return image, steplength
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, show=False, margin=5, linewidth=None, add_labels=False, line2dproperties={}, xshift=0, yshift=0, show_distances=[], print_distances=False, virtual_atoms=True): """ Plots the 2D projection. This uses modified copy-paste code by Syrtis Major (c)2014-2015 under the BSD 3-Clause license and code from matplotlib under the PSF license. :param ax: The axes to draw to. You can get it by calling `fig, ax=matplotlib.pyplot.subplots()` :param show: If true, the will be called at the end of this function. :param margin: A numeric value. The margin around the plotted projection inside the (sub-)plot. :param linewidth: The width of the lines projection. :param add_labels: Display the name of the corresponding coarse grain element in the middle of each segment in the projection. Either a bool or a set of labels to display. :param line2dproperties: A dictionary. Will be passed as `**kwargs` to the constructor of `matplotlib.lines.Line2D`. See :param xshift, yshift: Shift the projection by the given amount inside the canvas. :param show_distances: A list of tuples of strings, e.g. `[("h1","h8"),("h2","m15")]`. Show the distances between these elements in the plot :param print_distances: Bool. Print all distances from show_distances at the side of the plot instead of directly next to the distance """ # In case of ssh without -X option, a TypeError might be raised # during the import of pyplot # This probably depends on the version of some library. # This is also the reason why we import matplotlib only inside the plot function. text = [] try: if ax is None or show: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.lines as lines import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms import matplotlib.text as mtext import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager except TypeError as e: warnings.warn("Cannot plot projection. Maybe you could not load Gtk " "(no X11 server available)? During the import of matplotlib" "the following Error occured:\n {}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) return except ImportError as e: warnings.warn("Cannot import matplotlib. Do you have matplotlib installed? " "The following error occured:\n {}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) return # try: # import shapely.geometry as sg # import shapely.ops as so # except ImportError as e: # warnings.warn("Cannot import shapely. " # "The following error occured:\n {}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) # area=False # #return # else: # area=True area = False polygons = [] def circles(x, y, s, c='b', ax=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs): """ Make a scatter of circles plot of x vs y, where x and y are sequence like objects of the same lengths. The size of circles are in data scale. Parameters ---------- x,y : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ) Input data s : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ) Radius of circle in data scale (ie. in data unit) c : color or sequence of color, optional, default : 'b' `c` can be a single color format string, or a sequence of color specifications of length `N`, or a sequence of `N` numbers to be mapped to colors using the `cmap` and `norm` specified via kwargs. Note that `c` should not be a single numeric RGB or RGBA sequence because that is indistinguishable from an array of values to be colormapped. `c` can be a 2-D array in which the rows are RGB or RGBA, however. ax : Axes object, optional, default: None Parent axes of the plot. It uses gca() if not specified. vmin, vmax : scalar, optional, default: None `vmin` and `vmax` are used in conjunction with `norm` to normalize luminance data. If either are `None`, the min and max of the color array is used. (Note if you pass a `norm` instance, your settings for `vmin` and `vmax` will be ignored.) Returns ------- paths : `~matplotlib.collections.PathCollection` Other parameters ---------------- kwargs : `~matplotlib.collections.Collection` properties eg. alpha, edgecolors, facecolors, linewidths, linestyles, norm, cmap Examples -------- a = np.arange(11) circles(a, a, a*0.2, c=a, alpha=0.5, edgecolor='none') License -------- This function is copied (and potentially modified) from Copyright Syrtis Major, 2014-2015 This function is under [The BSD 3-Clause License] ( """ from matplotlib.patches import Circle from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection #import matplotlib.colors as colors if ax is None: raise TypeError() if fus.is_string_type(c): color = c # ie. use colors.colorConverter.to_rgba_array(c) else: color = None # use cmap, norm after collection is created kwargs.update(color=color) if np.isscalar(x): patches = [Circle((x, y), s), ] elif np.isscalar(s): patches = [Circle((x_, y_), s) for x_, y_ in zip(x, y)] else: patches = [Circle((x_, y_), s_) for x_, y_, s_ in zip(x, y, s)] collection = PatchCollection(patches, **kwargs) if color is None: collection.set_array(np.asarray(c)) if vmin is not None or vmax is not None: collection.set_clim(vmin, vmax) ax.add_collection(collection) ax.autoscale_view() return collection class MyLine(lines.Line2D): """ Copied and modified from, which is part of matplotlib 1.5.0 (Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Matplotlib Development Team; All Rights Reserved). Used under the matplotlib license: """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # we'll update the position when the line data is set fm = font_manager.FontProperties(size="large", weight="demi") self.text = mtext.Text(0, 0, '', fontproperties=fm) lines.Line2D.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # we can't access the label attr until *after* the line is # inited self.text.set_text(self.get_label()) def set_figure(self, figure): self.text.set_figure(figure) lines.Line2D.set_figure(self, figure) def set_axes(self, axes): self.text.set_axes(axes) lines.Line2D.set_axes(self, axes) def set_transform(self, transform): # 2 pixel offset texttrans = transform + mtransforms.Affine2D().translate(2, 2) self.text.set_transform(texttrans) lines.Line2D.set_transform(self, transform) def set_data(self, x, y): if len(x): self.text.set_position( ((x[0] + x[-1]) / 2, (y[0] + y[-1]) / 2)) lines.Line2D.set_data(self, x, y) def draw(self, renderer): # draw my label at the end of the line with 2 pixel offset lines.Line2D.draw(self, renderer) self.text.draw(renderer) if "linewidth" in line2dproperties and linewidth is not None: warnings.warn( "Got multiple values for 'linewidth' (also present in line2dproperties)") if linewidth is not None: line2dproperties["linewidth"] = linewidth if "solid_capstyle" not in line2dproperties: line2dproperties["solid_capstyle"] = "round" if ax is None: try: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) except Exception as e: warnings.warn("Cannot create Axes or Figure. You probably have no graphical " "display available. The Error was:\n {}: {}".format(type(e).__name__, e)) return lprop = copy.copy(line2dproperties) if virtual_atoms and len(self._virtual_atoms) > 0: circles( self._virtual_atoms[:, 0], self._virtual_atoms[:, 1], c="gray", s=0.7, ax=ax) for label, (s, e) in self._coords.items(): if "color" not in line2dproperties: if label.startswith("s"): lprop["color"] = "green" elif label.startswith("i"): lprop["color"] = "gold" elif label.startswith("h"): lprop["color"] = "blue" elif label.startswith("m"): lprop["color"] = "red" elif label.startswith("f") or label.startswith("t"): lprop["color"] = "blue" else: lprop["color"] = "black" if add_labels != False and (add_labels == True or label in add_labels): lprop["label"] = label else: lprop["label"] = "" #line=lines.Line2D([s[0], e[0]],[s[1],e[1]], **lprop) line = MyLine([s[0] + xshift, e[0] + xshift], [s[1] + yshift, e[1] + yshift], **lprop) ax.add_line(line) s = s + np.array([xshift, yshift]) e = e + np.array([xshift, yshift]) vec = np.array(e) - np.array(s) nvec = np.array([vec[1], -vec[0]]) try: div = math.sqrt(nvec[0]**2 + nvec[1]**2) except ZeroDivisionError: div = 100000 a = e + nvec * 5 / div b = e - nvec * 5 / div c = s + nvec * 5 / div d = s - nvec * 5 / div # For now disabling area representation area = False if area: polygon = sg.Polygon([a, b, d, c]) polygons.append(polygon) for s, e in show_distances: st = (self._coords[s][0] + self._coords[s][1]) / 2 en = (self._coords[e][0] + self._coords[e][1]) / 2 d = ftuv.vec_distance(st, en) if print_distances: line = MyLine([st[0] + xshift, en[0] + xshift], [st[1] + yshift, en[1] + yshift], color="orange", linestyle="--") text.append("{:3} - {:3}: {:5.2f}".format(s, e, d)) else: line = MyLine([st[0] + xshift, en[0] + xshift], [st[1] + yshift, en[1] + yshift], label=str(round(d, 1)), color="orange", linestyle="--") ax.add_line(line) ax.axis(self.get_bounding_square(margin)) fm = font_manager.FontProperties(["monospace"], size="x-small") if print_distances: ax.text(0.01, 0.05, "\n".join(["Distances:"] + text), transform=ax.transAxes, fontproperties=fm) if area: rnaArea = so.cascaded_union(polygons) rnaXs, rnaYs = rnaArea.exterior.xy ax.fill(rnaXs, rnaYs, alpha=0.5) out = ax.plot() if show: return return out
### Private functions ### # Note: This is SLOW. Should be improved or removed in the future def _build_proj_graph(self): """ Generate a graph from the 2D projection. This is implemented as a networkx.Graph with the coordinates as nodes. """ import networkx as nx proj_graph = nx.Graph() for key, element in self._coords.items(): crs = self.crossingPoints sortedCrs = ftuv.sortAlongLine(element[0], element[1], [ x[0] for x in crs[key]]) oldpoint = None for point in sortedCrs: point = (point[0], point[1]) # Tuple, to be hashable if oldpoint is not None: proj_graph.add_edge( oldpoint, point, attr_dict={"label": key}) oldpoint = point self._proj_graph = proj_graph self.condense_points(0.00000000001) # To avoid floating point problems @profile def _project(self, cg, project_virtual_atoms, project_virtual_residues): """ Calculates the 2D coordinates of all coarse grained elements by vector rejection. Stores them inside self._coords """ self._coords = dict() self._virtual_atoms = [] basis = np.array([self._unit_vec1, self._unit_vec2]).T # Project all coordinates to this plane for key in cg.sorted_element_iterator(): val = cg.coords[key] start =[0], basis) end =[1], basis) self._coords[key] = (start, end) va = [] if project_virtual_atoms: for residuePos in range(1, cg.seq_length + 1): residue = cg.virtual_atoms(residuePos) if project_virtual_atoms == "selected": try: va.append(residue['P']) except KeyError: pass try: va.append(residue["C1'"]) except KeyError: assert False # Should never happen try: va.append(residue['C1']) except KeyError: pass try: va.append(residue["O3'"]) except KeyError: pass else: for pos in residue.values(): va.append(pos) if va: self._virtual_atoms =, basis) else: warnings.warn("No virtual atoms present in {} of length {}!".format(, len(cg.seq))) vr = [] for res in project_virtual_residues: vr.append(, True), basis)) assert len(vr) == len(project_virtual_residues) if vr: self._virtual_residues = np.array(vr) def _condense_one(self, cutoff): """ Condenses two adjacent projection points into one. :returns: True if a condensation was done, False if no condenstaion is possible. """ for i, node1 in enumerate(self.proj_graph.nodes()): for j, node2 in enumerate(self.proj_graph.nodes()): if j <= i: continue if ftuv.vec_distance(node1, node2) < cutoff: newnode = ftuv.middlepoint(node1, node2) # self.proj_graph.add_node(newnode) for neighbor in list(self.proj_graph.adj[node1].keys()): self.proj_graph.add_edge(newnode, neighbor, attr_dict=self.proj_graph.adj[node1][neighbor]) for neighbor in list(self.proj_graph.adj[node2].keys()): self.proj_graph.add_edge(newnode, neighbor, attr_dict=self.proj_graph.adj[node2][neighbor]) if newnode != node1: # Equality can happen because of floating point inaccuracy self.proj_graph.remove_node(node1) if newnode != node2: self.proj_graph.remove_node(node2) return True return False def _condense_pointWithLine_step(self, cutoff): """ Used by `self.condense(cutoff)` as a single condensation step of a point with a line segment. """ for i, source in enumerate(self.proj_graph.nodes()): for j, target in enumerate(self.proj_graph.nodes()): if j > i and self.proj_graph.has_edge(source, target): for k, node in enumerate(self.proj_graph.nodes()): if k == i or k == j: continue nearest = ftuv.closest_point_on_seg( source, target, node) nearest = tuple(nearest) if nearest == source or nearest == target: continue if (ftuv.vec_distance(nearest, node) < cutoff): newnode = ftuv.middlepoint(node, tuple(nearest)) attr_dict = self.proj_graph.adj[source][target] self.proj_graph.remove_edge(source, target) if source != newnode: self.proj_graph.add_edge( source, newnode, attr_dict=attr_dict) if target != newnode: self.proj_graph.add_edge(target, newnode, attr_dict=attr_dict) if newnode != node: # Equality possible bcse of floating point inaccuracy for neighbor in self.proj_graph.adj[node].keys(): attr_dict = self.proj_graph.adj[node][neighbor] self.proj_graph.add_edge(newnode, neighbor, attr_dict=attr_dict) self.proj_graph.remove_node(node) return True return False def _get_path_length(self, path): """ :param path: a list of nodes """ l = 0 for i in range(len(path) - 1): l += ftuv.vec_distance(path[i], path[i + 1]) return l
